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Protective Factor Student Survey
April 2012


Dear Seward County Parents,

In 2010, students in Seward, Milford and Centennial Public Schools took the Nebraska Risk and Protective Factor Student Survey.  Participating were 737 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th-graders.  Data from the NRPFSS can be used to help schools and communities assess current conditions and identify and prioritize alcohol and drug abuse local prevention issues.  The data is also important to schools and communities as they apply for grants to fund alcohol and drug abuse prevention programs.

Key Indicators from the Survey Include:

Alcohol Impaired Driving (previous 12-months)
Lower than the state for 10th grade (2%) and 12th grade (11)%

Attitudes Towards Substance Abuse
A higher percentage of younger students report that drinking and most drug use are "wrong" as compared to older students.  Drinking alcohol once or twice a month and smoking cigarettes were reported as least "wrong" as compared to smoking marijuana, drinking and driving, and using other drugs including prescription drugs.


Perceived and Actual Use
For all grades, the perceived use of alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana, and other illegal drugs was higher than the actual percent of youth who used.  In some instances the perceived use was almost or more than double that of the actual use.


Perceived Risk
Highest perceived risk behaviors were using illegal drugs (not marijuana) and drinking and driving.  Only younger students perceived a higih risk for smoking marijuana regularly.  Lowest perceived risk behaviors were exposure to other peoples cigarette smoke, having one or two drinks nearly every day, and trying marijuana once or twice.

Perceived Availability of Substances
For all grades, alcohol (beer, wine, and hard liquor) was perceived as the most available substance and easy or easier to obtain than cigarettes.

Type of Alcohol
For 10th and 12th-graders who reported drinking in the past 30 days, beer was the most common alcohol consumed.  For 8th graders, it was liquor.


Parental Attitudes Favorable Toward Drug Use
11% of 6th graders, 20% of 8th graders, 33% of 10th graders, and 28% of 12th graders reported parental attitudes favorable toward drug use.


Risk Factors
The highest risk factors for youth in Seward County are academic behavior, low commitment to school, and perceived risk of drug use.

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